
I’m Teddy Soulopulos, a product designer based in San Diego.

“That’s just the way it works.”

Those are the words that drove me to become a product designer. Too many times have I heard that explanation as to why a product functions a particular way—I felt compelled to work against that mindset. And for the past 4+ years, I've worked with teams around the world to create thoughtful, user-friendly experiences for enterprise products.

I'm driven by curiosity. I want to solve problems that have yet to be tackled—complex ones too. I want to build products that have an impact on people's lives.

I've worked in-house and at an agency, with mature teams and startups, and all sorts of stakeholders, from strategists to developers. I’m an advocate for the voice of the user and understand how to prioritize business goals. During my time at Arthur, I created solutions at scale for a global cloud communication platform and led the Arthur brand's redesign efforts. While at OSAS, I advocated the importance of user-centered design to become the company's first product designer and led the redesign and development of two mobile applications for the service repair industry.

In my free time, when I'm not drawing shapes in Figma, I’m exploring the role of AI in the future of design and working on completing my UX Certification from the Nielsen Norman Group.